
Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke
Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

It took months of heavy use before I finally admitted I was an addict. I had to come to the conclusion on my own. I didn’t believe anything anyone said about me. The president of the US could have told me I was an addict and I would have told him to bugger off.On the other hand, if you think someone you care about may be addicted, it won’t be easy to help.

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

I cannot even begin to tell you how that feels. I quit heroin alone on someone’s couch with nothing and nobody to help me. Even if it is just a friend you trust who can watch over you for a few days and make sure you’re okay. If you think you might be addicted to cocaine, please get help. Cocaine is not a means to any end except more cocaine. You will spend every penny you have on coke because the minute you start coming down, your brain goes into autopilot so you don’t care about anything else or want anything else or even comprehend that anything else even exists. It isn’t even a good feeling (for me) but it tricks your brain into thinking it is so you don’t want to stop. In fact the worst part of using coke for me was actually using it. You don’t have painful physical withdrawals like with heroin. The good thing about cocaine vs heroin is that you CAN stop. I cannot speak for the smokers and snorters though. Keep in mind that cocaine also comes in many forms and most people don’t actually inject intravenously as I did.

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

The next morning, I would be dope sick but have no desire for more cocaine. I used to line up my shots depending on how much coke I had so that I would start with pure coke at the start of the night and gradually decrease the coke and increase the H until my last shot was pure H and I could sleep off the cocaine without feeling bad.

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

You just keep doing more and more because you don’t want to come down. When you do coke, it just makes you want to do more coke. The difference is that cocaine is more of a mental addiction and heroin is more physical. Cocaine was more of an occasional thing because people would give it to me or it was around so why not. Despite this, I was mostly addicted to heroin. But I have spent countless nights awake shooting up coke in my past. I wouldn’t have ever considered myself addicted to cocaine. I am answering based strictly on my own personal experience. This Quora thread captures cocaine addiction perfectly.

Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke