To actually quit software, click on the software name at the top of the screen and then choose “Close.” Or just use the keyboard shortcut ‘Cmd Q.' Learn Keyboard Shortcuts On a Mac, this just shuts down the current window for most software. You probably just click the “X” to shut down software in Windows. It’s the same for ‘select all,' ‘save,' ‘cut,' ‘paste,' ‘undo,' and a lot of other commands. So that means that ‘copy' is ‘ctrl c' on a PC and ‘cmd c' on a Mac. The first thing to remember is that if you use the Ctrl button on a PC, on a Mac, use the Command button. There are good reasons for doing so, but recognize that while these operating systems are similar, there are significant differences. Many people use Windows at work and at home, but a lot of churches choose to use ProPresenter on a Mac.

If they’re different, learn the differences between your regular operating system and the one you’re using for ProPresenter. In fact, it’s so powerful, that you might not know where to look to do what you want, so let’s take a look at a few of the things that ProPresenter newbies need to learn to get up to speed.

ProPresenter is worship software that sits at the conjunction of “powerful” and “easy to use.” That doesn’t mean that everyone who sits down in front of it will immediately know how to use it, though. You’re in! Keep your eyes peeled for your confirmation email!